24 Apr 2013

Vacancy Announcement USAID-SIAP1/ FCS Consultant


*StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)*

*Support for the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia*

*Terms of Reference*

* *

*Position*:                           Fraud Control System Consultant

*Languages Required*:       Bahasa Indonesia

*Duration of Contract*:        40 working days**

*Counterpart (User)*:          Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia


The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) is a state agency that has
the authority to oversee public services provided by government agencies,
including public services by state-owned enterprises, regionally-owned
enterprises and state-owned legal entities, as well as private entities or
individuals that perform particular public service tasks and receive
funding from state and/or regional budgets. ORI is responsible for ensuring
that public services are adequate and properly provided, as well as for
minimizing  fraud.

In exercising such authority, ORI requires a control system to prevent,
detect, and investigate internal fraud committed by ORI personnel. The need
for a fraud control system in ORI has increased with the growing number of
local representative offices, the growing budget to be managed, and the
separation of responsibilities in the budget realization. Good governance
is also a factor for ORI to combat fraud.

Management Systems International (MSI) through Strengthening Integrity and
Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1), which is funded by USAID, has an
attention and support to the efforts in developing accountability and
integrity of government/public institution in Indonesia. To meet these
needs, SIAP 1[r1]
  will hire a fraud control system consultant to provide support to ORI by
conducting a series of activities designed specifically to support the
development of a fraud control system in ORI. The activities will be
focused on a fraud control system in ORI's procurement system by
implementing the fraud control system that has been developed in Badan
Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK


The main objectives of this activity are to adopt the fraud control system
that has already been developed by BPK RI and implement this system in
ORI's procurement system.

* *


The scope of work is  to assess the current condition of ORI's policy and
adopt and implement BPK's
  Manual to ORI's procurement system. The fraud control system will be
developed through a strategic model. The model embodies the “critical
factors for success” which should be addressed in seeking to develop and
implement an approach to fraud control. The “10 attributes of effective
fraud control strategies” upon which the model is based are:

1.       Integrated Macro Policy

2.       Responsibility Structures

3.       Fraud Risk Assessment

4.       Employee Awareness

5.       Stakeholder Awareness

6.       Fraud Reporting System

7.       Whistleblowing Policy

8.       External Notifications

9.       Investigation Standards

10.    Conduct and Disciplinary Standards

Any manual(s) adopted will also refer to global best practices and
practical guidelines of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).

* *


The consultants will perform the following activities:

1.       15 days for:

a)      Designing a detailed work plan and activities to adopt a fraud
control system manual for ORI's procurement system

b)      Presenting the detailed work plan and activities for fraud control
system manual implementation

c)      Synchronizing activities to implement the fraud control system
manual pursuant to ORI's schedule

d)      One day workshop on  basic concepts and an implementation strategy
of FCS

2.       20 days for:

a)      Collecting documents, regulations (internal and external), and
legislation regarding the definition and explanation of fraud, corruption,
maladministration, and waste

b)      Identifying the definition of fraud, corruption, maladministration,
and waste which have been  set forth in law

c)      Identifying the definition of fraud, corruption, maladministration,
and waste which need to be set forth in ORI's regulations

d)      Identifying the business process of ORI's procurement system and
its vulnerability to fraud, corruption, maladministration, and waste

e)      Collecting information, documents, and regulations concerning
possibilities to follow up on criminal and civil investigation results

f)        Developing the ORI FCS manual by adopting the BPK FCS Manual and
referring to the FCS attributes that have been developed

3.       5 days for:

a)      Writing a recommendation to implement FCS in ORI

b)      Developing a roadmap to apply FCS to ORI's procurement systems


·          FCS Manual on ORI's procurement systems

·          Roadmap to implement FCS in ORI's procurement systems

·          Recommendation on FCS Implementation in ORI

·          Documents supporting attributes of FCS for ORI's procurement


Participants interested in the Fraud Control System Consultant must meet
the following requirements:

1.       Be a personal consultant

2.       Have the ability to provide services as a consultant

3.       Have experience as a trainer in fraud control training and/or
areas related to fraud control, or have experience in system development
and be familiar with fraud related issues and control systems

4.       Have certification or experience relevant to the type of
consultancy services to be provided;

5.       Have a good record of performance, and not be on any state agency
or state-owned company blacklist

6.       Is not under the supervision of a court, not currently in
bankruptcy proceedings, and not serving any criminal sentences

7.       Has a taxpayer identification number (NPWP) and has filed an
Annual Tax Income Report for the year 2012

Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references)
and contact number by 18 April 2013, at the latest. Please put the position
you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to hong@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted

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