27 Des 2012

Informasi Lowongan Kerja Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi

Bank Kesejahteraan had a role as well as supporting efforts to improve the welfare of Civil Servants (PNS) through a partnership with the Cooperative Republic of Indonesia (KP-RI) and other business entities as well as society at large.

Kesempatan berkarir di PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi or the so-called Bank Kesejahteraan, commenced operations on February 27, 1992 on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 256/KMK.013/1992 dated February 21, 1992. The idea of ​​the founders at the time was set up commercial banks, namely Bank Kesejahteraan, which may play a role in a healthy way to support efforts to improve the welfare of civil servants and their families, through a partnership with the Cooperative Repubilk Indonesia (KP-RI) and other business entities as well society in general.

The idea of ​​the founders was also reflected on the meaning of Bank Kesejahteraan logo, which is a series of symmetrically shaped blades that spin configurations show the letter B and K which means the Bank and Welfare. Symmetrical shapes that spin represents close collaboration with the components of industrial, commercial and other banks as well as the community in a dynamic rotary motion, rhythm and harmony for all the time growing and developing by the balance between the goals and strengths.

PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi invites you to take part in strategic business development in the future.

Credit Officer Development Program (CODP) (Jakarta)

Male, age maximum 28 years
Minimum education S1 Department of Economics / Accounting / Management / Social Economics / Business Administration / Banking
GPA of at least 2.80
Fresh Graduate / Experience as a Loan Officer / Credit Officer
Strong communication & negotiation
Able to work under pressure and target
Willing to be placed throughout the Branch Bank Welfare
Willing to undergo bond Agency

Send complete application (CV, copy of ID card, copy of transcripts, copy of diplomas and recent photograph size 3x4) by stating the position code to the following address:

Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia
PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi
Jl. R. P. Soeroso No. 21
Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat - 10330

via email: sdm.bke@bankkesejahteraan.co.id

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